Thursday, May 3, 2012

Understanding your stats

Where are my stats and how do they work?

Here is a screenshot of the "My Page". Labeled in green and red are the STATS and inventory/fellows windows. 

In the  STATS  window you can monitor your LVL BAR,,  STAMINA ,  ATK PWR , and  DEF PWR .

The LVL BAR shows how close you are to leveling, though it does not display the exact numbers, you can see the exact numbers in the Quest page.

The STAMINA bar shows how much stamina you have. Stamina is the crucial stat for completing missions and farming cards for evolution. Keep in mind that stamina regenerates at a rate of 1 per minute, and can have increased recovery speed with archive bonuses.

ATK PWR shows how much power you have to attack other players. Treat this like the PvP equivalent of  STAMINA .  ATK PWR  also regenerates at a rate of 1 per minute, and can be accelerated through archive bonuses.

DEF PWR shows how much power you have to defend yourself against other attackers.  DEF PWR  also regenerates at a rate of 1 per minute, and can be accelerated through archive bonuses.

The  inventory/fellows window shows you how much money you have, how many friendship points you have, your current number and max number of fellows, and how many cards you can and do have at this time.

Friendship Points are used to obtain Friendship card packs. Friendship Card Packs cost 200 friendship points. Friendship points can be claimed once a day at login, and can also be earned by supporting other players (sending them a friendly message), through special events, and as compensation from the administrators if something happened that may have inhibited your natural progression.

The currency in Rage of Bahamut is RupiesRupies  are obtained once a day at login, by defeating monsters in missions, by defeating other players, selling cards, defeating bosses, as well as trades and other sources.  Rupies  are spent on evolution and enhancement.

Fellows are like group members, they can assist you in progressing and defeating bosses. As you level up, the maximum amount of  Fellows you can have increases, and every fellow you join with you receive 5 stat points. Make sure to vary the type of fellows you have, you do not want to have all Demon, God, or Human, but a healthy mixture is the best solution.

The last bit of information displayed on the  inventory/fellows window is your Card Count. Keep track of this, as you will likely want to enhance your strong cards when you have enough cards to do so. Your maximum limit of cards is expanded through archive bonuses.


  1. thanks for this quide! it's clear and easy to follow, and the pictures that go along with it, that shows what is what, are great. Keep it up.

  2. Thank you for your support, it is nice to know that someone is finding this information useful. There's not a lot of detailed information out there on this game, so I'm having to pretty much build up the guides from scratch. Any information anyone would like to provide to assist with the guides can be sent to I will of course provide credit to those who assisted, and will create a credits page where you may or may not have your referral code and player name listed.

  3. Nice guide. Keep up the work.

  4. To get 100K Rupies and a Rare use the Referral Code: grb00717 after the tutorial

  5. Hi, i just completed the treasure with the six rings and i was supposed to receive a rare card. It is the one that looks like a phoenix, and i do not have it anywhere. When i go to treasures it says that i already have it. Does anybody know what happens?
    Thanks a lot, and nice guide :D
