When enhancing a card, does it matter what card you use to enhance? I've been sacrificing my low lvl normal cards to enhance my stronger cards, but is it better to use stonger cards to gain more stats?
This question really requires a lot of research to completely answer, but I do have enough information to have a pretty good idea on how to best enhance your cards.
First off, let's talk about the archive bonuses. The more cards you discover, the more cards you can carry. This includes the evolved forms of cards, so this makes evolving cards you may not use rewarding to some degree. The other bonus, the more cards you MAX out, the faster your Stamina, ATK, and DEF recovers. This bonus only counts when you MAX a card of a certain name once. an example would be, if you have a Fighter, and you MAX it out, it will count towards the archive bonus whether you have the card, or have used it to enhance, evolve, or even sold/traded/gifted it. If you evolve a Fighter to a Fighter+, MAXing the Fighter+ will count towards the archive bonus as well, and so on and so forth. Keeping track of what cards you have maxed will prove useful down the road, keep that in mind. Improved recovery time can be very useful.
Now, actually enhancing cards, does using rarer cards give better results? Yes and no. Using rarer cards will improve your chances of "Excellent Improvement" and more importantly, "Skill Up". However, using lower rarity cards is far more practical.
Enhancing your primary ATK and DEF cards should follow some general rules to save you time and suffering. Don't waste your Angel Queens on cards that are not Final Form, and never waste Devil/Demon Queens on cards that are not Final Form who do not have Skills. Skills can be leveled up to level 4 (to my knowledge). So stop using Devil/Demon Queens once you reach max skill level, and only use 1 per enhance.
Enhancing lower rarity cards you will reach MAX faster than higher rarity, as they require fewer levels to MAX, this balances out the benefits of leveling out different rarity cards, a higher rarity card will become more powerful but requires far more cards than a lower rarity card. Just because a card is Normal or High Normal does not mean it is not worth using over a Rare and up. It appears that using card skills in combat is limited in some way, so maximizing your Attack and Defense per point of ATK/DEF takes a bit of work.
Personally, I choose the rare cards I wish to enhance based on their skills, ones that grant "Big boost to....". I use 2 or 3 cards with skills like this, MAX them out, and level up high ATK or DEF High Normals or Normals that these skills affect. My main account has 50 ATK, yet can pump out over 35k attack power with 3 normal/high normals and 2 Rare and UP cards by utilizing the types of cards I use in a hand.
So, keep using those low level cards to enhance cards you want to use or to enhance towards the archive bonus.
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DeleteI had a card with skill lvl 8 couldnt get higher even tried to use 2 dq to know for sure. Just wanted to let you know =).
ReplyDeleteA skill level of 8? Was this card a S Rare or SS Rare, or did it have an event skill or other specialized skill?
DeleteCertain cards, regardless of rarity, will add on of two bonus effects when enhancing. Depending of their own lvl/attack&def cost, cards will either add more experience, or more percent chance of skill boost. Ex. The highnormal hobbit available during roar of dragons had an exceptionally high chance of increasing skill level when you used 10 of them.
ReplyDeleteAlso, to increase attack& damage values, combining 2 Max cards leaves the card+ with higher stats in it's level 1 form. So any cards you really want to be over powered, make sure to enhance before combining so their final form is best.
hey... i got a question. what is the effect of angle queen towards evolving? newbie here =P
ReplyDeleteAngel queen boosts any card's lvl by like 3 lvls
DeleteIt gives 350% towards enhancing per AQ used.
ReplyDeleteDo any other cards boost skill?
ReplyDeleteCards with skills will not only boost atk/Def but they are the only ones that can enhance skill lvl. So high normal cards with skills are good feeder cards to raise skill lvl
ReplyDeleteJust wanna post an observation....when you use 4-3-2-1 cards of same name. Example 4 same name humans, 3 same name gods, 2 same name demons and 1 humans or god u get excellent enhancing....just check it out. I might be wrong.
ReplyDeleteI got it on just 4 same name cards to enhance
ReplyDeleteBecause most likely you have a ss rare hild. Ss rares require better cards to evolve skill
Deletey does the game keep goin into maintenance so often
ReplyDeleteWho f*$&in knows man
DeleteI'm wondering if I should use the cards I get with finishing treasure collections as enhancing cards. They don't have very high stats and I just want to make sure that there is no other reason for me to keep them.
ReplyDeleterefferal code: jha72055 for rare card
ReplyDeleteref code yom69213
ReplyDeleteIs maxing every rare card worth it ? Say ya have 8 Odysseus rare's . Enhance to max and Evo enhance and max all the way up? Pretty expensive . Kinda new just wondering ??? Thanks
ReplyDeleteI normally do a 6-8 evolution with cards unless they are S rare and above. A 6-7 means you have 6 of the base cards and Max out 7 cards through evolving. It goes like this. Use 4 base cards unenhanced to create two +'s. Than you max each out and and evolve like so: Max'd Card with Max'd Card+ to make Card++. Mirror that and than Max'd Card++ with other Max'd Card++.
DeleteFor feeder cards 2-2 quest area is generally the best to use, obviously evolve these and use the final form cards. No need to enhance these just do 4-0 evolution.
For rupies 2-2 is also the best I've noticed. Just sell the Cards. The Knight and Angel are only worth 50 but the Skeleton is worth 350. So you get the most rupies on average per stamina used than any other quest area I've seen.
I'm still pretty new to this game and I'm still trying to understand everything. But my problem is this...I have a TON of Angel Queen's and do not know what cards to use them on as enhancers. No matter what card I pick, they do not show up for me to use as enhances...what am I missing?